Seasons change....
Hello people, hope this post finds you well as always. Just got back to the "G" after visiting the family in VA. We had a E Coli scare in the water so I bounced outta town rather than boil all my water for two days. It's always nice to be home, I'm trying to enjoy these times because I have a feeling in the future, I'll have to really dedicate time to planning family visits. So just getting away to spend some time with the fam before I go through some anticipated major life changes is a blessing.
So a few things on the mind today. I got to watch a little of Hip-Hop vs. America II this weekend on BET. Nothing really new on that front, I'm up to here with the whole discussion on misogyny in hip hop and looking to point fingers. Honestly, each one of us points it at ourselves. Everyone is equally at fault and the funny thing about blame, it makes no difference until the one at blame is convicted of it and here's the kicker: I can't do a thing about the recipient of that blame if it's someone else. There's an old saying: you can't change anyone but yourself and that's what I'm going to do. Am I part of the problem? Yes, I can say in the past I've bought music that degraded women, but from the moment I decided to see people through God's eyes, that desire for that music began to wane. Have I come across women who have done some disrespectful things to themselves and others? Of course, and best believe, I avoided relationships with those people. Does that classify her as a bitch or a ho? Who am I to say? I'm not her judge. I can say that for a man who sees a ho, I see a woman without a male influence in her life to show her the worth and value that God has placed in her from creation. It's so easy to look at the outside and write people off society's "it" list; believe me, I'm chief of those who've done it, but what is life but the opportunity to grow and learn? And I'm learning that we tend to blame those for not measuring up to some standard that we feel they should meet in this time of their life, but honestly how could any of us do that for everyone. I belongs to each of us to make that choice for our lives to be a testament to what you can attain and accomplish when you put Him first and love others as you love yourself. So my conclusion to the misogyny in hip hop? I'll teach my daughters what a wonderful creation they are and to remind them they are the temple of God and since He dwells within, respect your temple. I'll teach my sons to be gentlemen, respect a young lady and realize they represent man's other half, we're not complete without them and see them through His eyes. You'd be surprised when you take an honest look at yourself and realize the depth of His love for you; it humbles and challenges to let your life express that to others.
Second thing on my mind, to just offer encouragement to all. I'm of the frame of mind that all of us have one made for us to complete us and until that day comes we are to prepare for that person to come. If you're doing that, don't be discouraged, your king or queen is coming. Don't feel that you have to do anything in the natural, God needs no help, He's got you. Even now, I'm thankful that every detail of my life is planned by divine Hands not by my own limited sight and fickle nature. Be patient, your ship is coming. In the meantime, enjoy the sound of the breeze through trees, a baby's laugh, the first sight of sunshine when you get up, the first bite of your favorite meal, a happy voicemail with good news, it's the little things that make it worth facing the scary uncertain days in life.
S.o.T.P.: "Love is all around" by Adriana Evans; a beautiful song and very fitting of the post. Hope you all have a wonderful week and always if I know you, you're in my prayers....Peace and blessings....
Black Pearl
my world, a nubian girl
a black pearl I found
her speech deep and profound
from a people ancient to this earth
but it's a first
beach she speaks of joyful things
that bring a song to my soul
I lose control of my emotions
when she holds my hand
and I've reached the promised land
when I hear her laugh
as it pours mirth into my dry body
and it runs out in the form of affection
a faint detection, of angels singing
my thanks be to God for bringing
me to her and her to me
who knows if we'll ever see
God's plan and understand his motives
but all I offer is thanksgiving
to Him and to you to be true
to my deep emotions for you
and to respect and revere,
for you come from kings and queens
from Sheba to Solomon
a lot of men crave for you
but for some strange reason
you choose me, far be
it from me to question you
to allow me into your world
where sunset and sunrise rule
and laughter is never cruel
a soul sista with an eloquence
my recompense for a weary world
I have found in you
Black pearl....