The U.S. is the best greatest country in history....
Wassup folks? Interesting title I know, I happened to catch one of my favorite shows "The Soup" on this weekend and they showed a clip of Sean Hannity, one of Fox News tools of choice, saying how the U.S. was the best greatest country in the world. Besides the obvious horrible choice of adjectives, I really just rolled my eyes as whenever I hear Hannity say anything but then he said something that bothered me. As always, a conservative uses the cloak of "religion" to throw out that "America is the best country that God ever blessed the world with in history". Really, Sean? Not the fact that Rome established a great deal of the government ideals that we "think" we invented, Greece gave us many concepts of science that weren't recognized in Europe for hundreds of years after they had waned, Israel is essentially responsible for the three major religions, Asian and African empires established complex trade routes and kingdoms when men in Europe were crawling around in caves, and yet America is the greatest country that God has ever blessed the world with? I know that since it's Fox News, they make outrageous claims for ratings and I'm not saying it's any different from CNN and liberals saying outrageous "scientific" and "statistical" claims to push their agenda as well. I know both sides go to the extreme, what I have a problem is when they bring God into anything. Don't sully the Father's name to sell something; it's despicable.
This is the same U.S. born out of rebellion to simply higher taxes and suddenly we were this idealistic country? England was not killing or enslaving Americans, although Americans were. Simply, a bunch of rich white landowners got tired of paying their taxes so we have a country. This is the same country that is responsible for manifest destiny, deaths of millions of Native and African Americans, the country that invented the atomic bomb, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, deaths of government agents from LSD experimentation, Jim Crow laws. The same country that is discriminating when it comes to bringing "liberty and democracy" to certain countries and not others (consequently in countries that we seem to vested interests in hmmm). Let's just leave it at this, I'm blessed despite of this country, not because of it. Not saying it's any worse than any other. All countries are made up and run by people and people are capable of the pinnacle of achievement and philanthropy and also the most wicked and selfish acts that are almost unspeakable. Knowing that, it lies to each man and woman to look in their hearts and decide which they will dedicate their life to. My choice, I choose to leave this world a better place than what I was born into and that includes my country.
S.o.T.P.: Inner City Blues (Make Me wanna Holla) by Marvelous Marvin Gaye
New Verse:
Stimulating, scintillating
sweetheart you're amazing
as I watch you disrobe
all pretensions, apprehension
to display your soul bare
I'll take care to do it slow
to make sure as I go
deep into your mind
to delve into your thoughts
and dreams, it seems
that I can go on forever
although you push my stamina
to the limit
being so intimate
it blows me away
to work your mind
from behind the walls set up
from years of mistrust
but I'll thrust
into your soul
and see your spirit whole
and it's pure and life giving
who needs 12 play
I have play 365
everyday I feel more alive
from what I'm discovering in you
now I'm recovering from our moment
because we did it all fully clothed
with naked souls
just spooning with fingers intertwined
the connection was all between our minds
we climaxed, now relaxed
from our union...
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