30 things I've learned
Wassup people? I'm writing this to you from a new decade in my life, the 30's. It was a wonderful week of birthday festivities capped off with a trip to DC with my queen. I thought it would be fitting to do a list of 30 things learned in these 3o years. I look forward to the next 30 and all there is to learn as well. Hope all is well with everyone out there and enjoy Thanksgiving.
1) Nobody is perfect....but God is.
2) My parents are much smarter than I gave them credit for.
3) Don't sacrifice the future for now.
4) Running from my problems gets me nowhere but in a circle, better to hand them to One who can take care of them.
5) Everyday can be amazing if you seek out the small things.
6) It's not all about me.
7) Never trust a big butt and a smile.
8) The grass is always greener on the other side when you never look at your own.
9) I CAN have my cake and eat it too.
10) True love waits.
11) Never settle.
12) Telling the truth is painful sometimes, but someone will ALWAYS find out if you don't.
13) Impatience is pride (see #6)
14) Every generation thinks they know more than the former and the latter.
15) We're not as smart as we think.
16) Life does not peak in high school.
17) The past is the past for a reason.
18) Worry makes you old faster and does nothing to solve the problem.
19) He always knows better what I need than I do.
20) What goes around, comes around.
21) Time does not heal all wounds, forgiveness does.
22) It's never too late to do the right thing.
23) People will always talk about you; make sure it's for the right reasons.
24) The rich get richer and the poor fight the wars.
25) All is vanity unless it's a life lived in His will.
26) Most will never know that Christ is the only way, but it doesn't stop Him from trying.
27) Time moves fast enough, nothing I do will rush it.
28) Crushes are chemical, but love is spiritual.
29) No picture can ever capture the way the Grand Canyon looks.
30) Life goes on....