moving on....when do you know it's real?
Wassup people? Hope the new year started well and continues to be for all of you. It's been a great start to mine continuing in the spirit of the end of last year. To all who have contacted me in the past two weeks, you're in my thoughts and forgive me for being lax on getting back to you. Those close to me know I've been caught up with tasks of the mind and heart and I apologize more my mini falloff. I will try this year to keep my people close to me as possible.
Since my music acquisition has fallen as of late (should be soon remedied with the drop of the new Mos Def and Talib's Eardrum soon to come) the topic slides to my other favorite pastime, figuring the head and heart. I'm wondering if anyone can relate to that feeling of looking back on the relationships in the past and knew they were not worth reminiscing over and are just going to put you in a place of frustration and bitterness but some part of you wishes it had worked? Is it that part of us that feels like we failed at something in our life and desire a second try or is it really the person? I doubt it's the latter, because looking back on that situation and thinking of the good times, you realize that they were few in comparison to the frustration and unfulfilled promises. Classic example is the song by Whitney "Why does it hurt so bad" where she goes through all the things that are good now that she's gone and the relationship is over and how great life is, and yet she's still feeling bad and crying when there is no real love there. Could it be rejection of someone, failure on our own part that we couldn't accomplish the task of a happy relationship, is it the emotional investment that you feel that you leave with somebody when they're gone, or all the above? All I do know, is it's bad to rock the rainy day playlist at 1 AM on the Itunes. It goes crashing down memory lane in a bulldozer and you know that can't be good. From now on, it's only hip hop after midnight. Peace.....
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