keepin' it real or keepin' it hateful?
Wassup people? I have gotten really good feedback from a lot of people so I had to thank you all and send blessings your way for the positive comments. Always nice to know there are people out there thinking about what's going on outside of themselves. So, as usual, with school and life staying crazy, it's been a while. Things are busy and starting to look up, I had a rough patch here and there for the past couple months, but with the help of the Almighty and loving friends and family, I'm realizing that there is so much to be thankful for and so much love around us, sometimes you can't help but catch your breath.
Which leads me to the first of many topics that I have to cover the next few blogs. The firestorm that surrounded the whole thing with Barack Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright has really caused a big deal in the media. They proceeded to show clips of his sermons on the news channels (Fox News at one point I think had it on 24 hours, ahhh Fox News, such piety when the Fox Channel has nothing but irreverant, racist and sexist shows....Rupert Murdock...hell is warming up and getting close) and then questioned Obama's own views on the things said. Now, I honestly have nothing against Obama, seems like a decent guy and he is a great orator and sells the dream well, but judgment is withheld until he can deliver what he says. The nice thing and the scary thing is he does not have a lot of experience in politics so could be good or bad. He could be FDR or he could be Jimmy Carter. Time will tell. You'll still catch me voting in November for third party because I have no faith whatsoever (and probably never will) in the Republi-crat system. Why do I even vote you ask? Because there were people who withstood dogs, firehoses, humiliation, degradation, beatings and lynchings for me to have that right, so I do it. But that's a whole 'nother (gotta love that grammatical nightmare) topic.
As far as Obama and his belief in what Wright says in the more incendiary comments, I highly doubt he agrees. Speaking from the standpoint of a fellow bi-racial person, I think he sees the degradation and racism in the country and has witnessed it, but has also had the same type of experiences that Malcolm had when he went to Mecca. You take the good with the bad and recognize that each man or woman stands before God ALONE and ALONE they answer for what they did.
What really I have beef with both sides (as usual). First off, I find it funny that all this just comes out now with Wright when polls show Obama has a better chance of beating Grandpa McCain than that ......woman. (No offense to Hillary supporters, but I wouldn't trust her with lint) So then all this comes about what Wright said. Then on top of it, I love how certain folks got all offended about what he said, apparently they don't know that he is not the first to say them and they definitely aren't new accusations. Not everything he said was a total shock, this country has committed many atrocities on minorities. This country has also completely looked out its own interests and tried to cover it under the guise of "helping bring democracy" (what a joke). Our country watches after one thing: our money and lied about it. For that, INDIVIDUALS will stand before God and answer for that, one by one, not all of America.
Now as far as some of the things he said, were #1 way out of line and sure as hell should not be coming out of a pulpit. The U.S. made AIDS to kill minorities? Seeing what the government can do, I wouldn't put it past them. However, if it was a person he was talking about, he'd be sued for libel and lose. Why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO PROOF! There are simply things that have been shown in the past to show the government is no joke. Even if it was true, what does it matter in terms of what you're preaching? How is that helping? Then the whole God damn America "that's in the Bible" I hate that phrase, because the Bible always supports what to do with confirmation in many other places throughout scripture; be specific, where is it? It says God Damn America? I know it does say pray for your leaders because they are there by divine providence and that the hearts of kings are in His hand. Say that in the pulpit, don't rile people up to entertain. I believe out of the pulpit should come one thing: words of life and that comes from the Word. Encourage, empower, entreat from the pulpit, don't stand up there entertaining people by fake smacking a booty while talking about how Clinton did the country the same way he did Monica (which is true though, but again not the time and place). I think the reason why our community is in the place that it is is because we are so concerned with God punishing others for what they did to us that we forget that He is so ready to provide everything we need and we have preachers like Wright forgetting that's what we need to hear!
I heard he's stepped down, so I'll be praying that he recognizes as the supposed man of God he is, it is his responsibility to empower others to find what they need at the true Source. With that, I'm out. Next up: "I wanna be a daddy, but bein' a husband, nahhh" Each one, teach one. Peace......
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