Monday, November 06, 2006

Stevie Wonder inspired

Hello, folks. Decided in the spirit of the Stevie Wonder I've been killin' lately, that I'd post some old verse from way back. I figured it would work best since it's been on my mind lately with the way things are going right now. Enjoy.

Just Be

Sorry, not for the trivial things
But for what strife can bring
For years of disrespect
Your intellect, we were afraid
To glean from and just be
But I’m comforted by your touch
And see you not as much
As a cash machine
But as a queen, fit to marry
And prepare me for what lies ahead
To the marriage bed, I stay true
By the promise on your finger
Not out of necessity, but desire
For a fire that burns until we retire
To the next world, where still our love goes on
To be a provider, fighter
For your honor and integrity
To let our love, let us be
One mind, one heart, one soul
In the hands of our Father
Who guides us in our journey
Of self discovery and let us
Be filled with laughter
And longing for this
Gift of friendship, love and fidelity
To just let us be