Monday, September 11, 2006


I've had my fair share of experience with daughters. I think it changes your perspective of how you deal with a woman when you realize she is a daughter of someone. That she grew up from a little girl and that deep down, no matter how old she gets, there is that little girl inside of her. Trusting, innocent, curious about life, pure..... and then the world comes. I would like to thank all the women that have come across my life path and taught me a valuable lesson: that my role as a father to my daughter will be extremely scignificant. I will be her model for every man that comes in her life and how she will view him. As my man Chris Rock once said, "we've all had experience with a woman with some daddy issues, and that ish ain't never fun...." . True, it's not and it breaks my heart everytime I come across another. I'm realizing I can't save the world which is a huge disappointment, but one thing I can do is be the father to my little girl that so many men have failed to do and thus has these girls without any idea of the queens that they are, that they have value, not because they pretty or material things but because they're made by God and that gives them priceless value. So when she comes along, I will make every effort every minute of her life that she deserves all the best in life.

"Fathers, be good to your daughters.....daughters will love like you do."
-John Mayer