I have to be completely honest. There is a mistress that I slave for. I can't live without her from one moment to the next. At night she lays beside giving me comfort and courage to face the next day. I take her almost everywhere and where I don't take her, I talk only about her and all she does for me. This mystery woman's name: Apple Ipod, or AI as I like to call her. Today, she broke my heart. She managed to go beserk on me and then inform me that the relationship we had before where I was able to enjoy her music had ceased. At the moment, I'm rescued by a loaner from the OT office from champus and I'm enduring the long process of putting my 3000 songs on it. Ooooh, fun. I think I'm addicted to this thing.... aww well, gotta be addicted to the somethin'. It's the American way. Peace and blessings....
P.S. For the remote possibility that someone is reading this, I had to add something to see if anyone relates. Is there a better thing to wake up to in the morning than gentle rumble of thunder? I'm a big fan of thunderstorms anyway, but if it's in the morning, it's almost as if the sound reminds you that you're in a soft warm bed and that outside the elements are doing their thing....just something comforting in that. Just for anyone that can relate. Now for real P & B....
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