I wonder...
Wassup people? I'm at my limit right now, should be finishing some optics HW but for some reason, I've come to a head with this election. I'm listening to both sides all around me and it's something that I've realized: most people are completely ignorant of politicians, their stands and voting records. I've looked at all the candidates, including stances and voting records and if I was not a man of faith, I'd be scared as hell. I fear McCain and the fact that he really doesn't have any details on the his plans once he gets into office. I'm amazed at his soccer mom VP and the fact that she can't make sense in interviews. I wonder if the runner up in the Miss Alaska pageant really realizes she's one 72 year old's heartbeat from running a major power of the Western world. I wonder how in the world he's going to convince the world that we need to stay longer in the Middle East when you only cry wolf so many times. I wonder if the religious right will soon realize that the Republicans have been pandering to them for too long a time and it's time to take your votes to independent parties that truly support their issues.
I see Obama and think he's either living in a dream world or if he's lying when he believes that increasing capital gains tax and taxes for the top 10% of the wage earners won't discourage foreign investors and domestic from creating jobs in this country. I wonder if people realize that Obama made a good deal of money of this bailout plan with his heavily vested interests in Fannie Mae. I'm curious as to whether why Obama associated himself with so many shady characters knowing that it could affect his political career: Wright, Ayers, Rebozo. I wonder when black folk will realize that the dream of having a black man in office stems from the idea that they will finally get their 40 acres in a mule since the government has always been and always will tell us what we want to hear and deliver nothing. Could it be from a slave mentality that as long as the government (massa) takes care of me, I'll be ok? Are people aware that the housing collapse took place really because Jimmy Carter in 1977 enacted the fair housing act, while though it sounds good, really just allowed for every Gomer Pyle and Ray-Ray Jenkins with bad credit and suspect bill paying habits to get houses out of their price range at exorbitant percentages and not all on the Republicans as the Dems would want you to believe and vice versa? I wonder what all this change talk really means since change could be good or bad?
I wonder if both candidates realize that no matter which party is involved , the government will remain large and wasteful in the guise of "regulation" in order to strike fear in our wallets and homes. How come no one has mentioned getting rid of taxes and proposing a flat tax ever!!? Why don't we ever hear more about state autonomy and limiting national government?
Like I said before, if I thought my destiny was completely dependent on who's in office, I'd be scared as hell. Thank the good Lord it's not, He's got my future planned already and that gives me freedom. Freedom to vote for the best candidate, not the lesser of two evils. Freedom to not point fingers at one side or the other, but to just vote and be on my merry way for the next four years. Whoever gets in, I'm pretty much going to be disappointed for the rest of the country. Meanwhile, I will be glad that we can do without election talk for a while, (two years anyway) and I can pray for my dream: to have a no party system that focuses on issues, not gang tactics. Hey, a boy can dream can't he? Viva la Ron Paul.....
S.O.T.P.: Big Brother by Stevie Wonder
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