Pt. II
Now to continue the list:
21. Angry, bitter, hostile, combative, unforgiving single women, become: angry, bitter, hostile and combative, unforgiving wives.
-Wow, can't stress this enough. Please check your baggage at the door because we are not responsible for the stuff done to you in the past, so you got to come to grips with it and give it up.
22. A fundamental understanding and respect of the male ego is a must for all women who want a vibrant and healthy love; DO NOT obtain this crucial information from dishonorable males or from angry bitter women.
-Ladies, let a man be a man. If he's a good one, it won't threaten your femininity, it will justify it.
23. If you choose to be with dishonorable males, pimps, players, thugs, ballers and shot callers, you have absolutely no right to complain when they torch your emotions, abuse you, leave you pregnant and alone, jeopardize your safety and otherwise harm or hurt you. Remember, you have freedom of choice and you chose to be with them!
-You do have freedom of choice, don't make the bad ones like those who fall in love with convicted murderers on death row. This boys are just that, boys playing games, but there is so much more to life.
24. When a man is trying to find himself, kindly bid him adieu… PERMANENTLY! He can find you, but can’t find himself? He shouldn’t be looking for love… he should be searching for the map to Mastering Manhood!
-The only way we can find out who we are is to find ourselves in Him since He knows are hearts better than we know our own. If he or she is saying give me time to figure out me, keep it moving or you'll be waiting around to find that you don't fit in there world. The right person at the wrong time is the wrong person.....period.
25. OK; he wants or is demanding sex but you are not his wife. Write this down: There is no need to wonder, debate or contemplate: he DOES NOT honor or respect you!
-let him find from a hooker if he needs it so bad, NEXT! Seriously, you don't demand it if you're an honorable man.
26. Spoiled women are like spoiled milk, spoiled meat, spoiled fruit spoiled bread and spoiled brats. Get the picture? Don’t become a spoiled woman!
-Spoiled is a mentality, if you show that you don't appreciate what you get and don't give back, then you will get old quick.
27. Expecting a dishonorable male to do the honorable thing is like expecting piranhas not to devour you if you make the mistake of diving into their water.
-can't teach an old dog new tricks, quit saying, "He'll do the right thing this time, it's the 100th, 1000th, etc."
28. You’ve asked these questions, “Why doesn’t he call me more often? Why doesn’t he pursue me more diligently and why doesn’t he show me that he loves me?” Answer; he’s not into you! If you don’t let him go and move on with your life, you will allow him to hinder or block your true love from finding you!
-When we want something, we go after it gung ho and not just for six months or until we have them, the right one will pursue you for a lifetime.
29. All men ARE NOT dogs! Don’t believe, repeat or perpetuate that rampant lie! You will hamper your ability to see and discern the good men who cross your path!
-If you think this, you're just putting out kibble. Start putting out filet Mignon.
30. Some males like to hit women. It gives them a sense of power and control. If you give yourself to one of these abusive males, most assuredly you will become a punching bag and a floor mat. It is critical that you learn how to detect and avoid these cretins!
-If he raises his hand, turn the other cheek....your butt cheek and hit the door. If you can fit it in on the way out, give a swift kick to his jewels for punctuation on the end of the relationship.
31. Promiscuous immoral women are not worthy of an honorable man. They never have been and they never will be.
-Can't turn a ho into a housewife. Ho's atract pimps, housewives attract husbands with careers.
32. Never allow emotionally embittered women to influence you concerning the male gender. If you do, their hatred and unforgiveness will become yours. Soon you will find yourself suspicious, indignant and angry at all men.
-Common sense, if you're around negative people, you'll become negative. Murmuring and complaining never accomplishes anything except more to be negative about.
33. You were not designed, built or destined for abuse, whether: emotionally, physically or financially. If he is an abuser, there is no need to deliberate… he IS NOT the one; leave him now!
-Enough said.
34. Some women live their lives vicariously through the women on “Girlfriends, Sex In The City and Desperate Housewives.” Don’t become one of these women. If you do, you will make a literal mess of your life, emotions, physical body and well-being.
-The women on these shows are written to be shallow and dim witted and those who would fashion their entire lives around these characters do so because they don't have their own life. Good men avoid these types of women.
35. When a man truly loves you, he will honor and respect you. If he doesn't… don’t deceive yourself and don’t allow him to defraud you; he DOES NOT love OR care about you!
-Plain and simple.
36. Everyone has skeletons in their closet? Wrong! Not everyone has skeletons in their closet. Don’t start putting any in yours!
-Those who want to grow continuously clean out their closet to be able to live for today and not yesterday. Don't get in the trap of living in the past.
37. There is a vast difference between sex and love. Most men know the difference and you had better learn it fast! If you fail or refuse to do so, you are surely headed for relationship or marital crash and burn.
-Love does not equal sex, sex comes once true love is established and is declared openly. Save yourself the headache and keep it out of the equation for a while.
38. Don’t deceive yourself, once you have sex with a man who is not your husband… he may never admit it, but he has lost a degree of respect for you. Don’t believe it? Ask any honorable man or virtuous woman.
-This one is up to the person and the path God has for him/her. I do know that I personally made it up in my mind a long time ago that I would marry the woman that I would wait until marriage for so those I did sleep with, I subconsciously decided this will not be the one I end up with but that was my personal path.
39. The dismal cycle of breaking up and making up only works out in the romance novels, television shows and movies. If you are riding that emotional roller coaster get off right now! Your heart, mind and soul will forever thank you.
-Break up once. Once. Once. If it didn't work the first time, it won't again. It's not a marriage, you don't have to work on reconciliation.
40. Nothing is more beautiful, captivating, attractive and sensual than a woman with a gentle and peaceable spirit!
-Amen to that, the sexiest thing about a woman is a beautiful spirit. It stuns a man daily.
...and so end's the 40. Take from it what you will. S.o.T.P.: True Love by JonB.
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