Saturday, February 07, 2009

25 more things....

I couldn't leave it at 25 but I promise I'll stop at 50. There's about 50 million in the course of a lifetime, but you gotta know the limit of what to reveal to others. Which leads me to the first....

1) I spent most of my formative years "trying out different personalities" because I was burned by others revealing who I was and I didn't realize I could be myself until I was in about my mid twenties around the time I moved down to Carolina.

2) I'm obsessed with finding the next big thing, whether musical artist, designer, artist, etc. I hate following the crowd so I search the web for underground artists and clothing websites that are unique. 

3) I avoid talking to people because I'm not an open person but they always seem to want to strike up a conversation and tell me their life story. Man, I just want to buy my groceries and get out of here, why are you telling me about how you're about to fail out of school?? Do I know you???

4) I hate when people refer to women as females, even more than referring to them as bitches. I don't know why since they are both bad, but female gets under my skin. Maybe the same reason I hate conversate: people try to sound intelligent but come off sounding even more ignorant. 

5) I bite my nails and crack my knuckles when I'm really nervous. 

6) I cheated twice on the multiplications tests in third grade and I honestly thought I'd never get them. Now I do partial differential equations and do integrations of trigonometric functions. God definitely has a sense of humor. 

7) I've forged my parent's signatures at least 3 times in my school career. 

8) One of my closest friends sold weed on the regular and started selling crack right before I went to college so I had to end the friendship. 

9) I once told my roommate in college that a scratch that I got from running into a nail on a volleyball pole while playing ball was a knife wound that I got at a party in high school just to see if he'd believe me. He did.

10) I once cracked a windshield of an ex girlfriend in college because I was so mad and she freaked out and ran out of the car. 

11) The summer after my senior year of high school I wondered if I really believed in God or just did because it was what my parents told me to believe and I seriously considered the second option. 

12) I've never stolen anything from a store but I accepted a stolen shirt from my best friend in high school and it was my all-time favorite and wore until it literally fell to shreds. My mom hated that shirt. 

13) I wanted to be a math or history teacher in college until I found math by itself to be too dry and my advisor said there were too many history teachers so I chose physics on a whim after only one class in high school.

14) I moved to CT simply because I had a dream about it at the end of college. It was so vivid that I still remember it. The amazing thing is when I went to interview for a job there, the drive to the school was exactly like in my dream even though I'd never been there before. 

15) I saw the '87 Ramstein air crash that resulted in about 69 people dying and 350 people being seriously injured and I was only 8. That was my most traumatic experience in my life and I hope the only one.  I will never go to another air show as long as I live.

16) I love the smell of bleach. To me it means clean and I love clean especially in the bathroom. I HATE a dirty bathroom.

17) I love to cook. It started out being something I learned to impress women but now I'm always looking for something new to make for myself or my fam. 

18) I hate pictures of Jesus. We have no idea how he looked and they always portray him as white with blonde hair. He was a Jew who lived in a place that has sunshine year round and he walked everywhere. You do the math. 

19) I love black people who are out of the mold and break stereotypes. On the opposite, I hate stereotypical ni**as who want to imitate everything that "the man" puts on TV to show what he thinks of us. Black folk who skate, make rock music or country, play hockey, or sample off the wall tracks from Lawrence Welk or Bob Dylan in their music. That shows courage. 

20) Aaron McGruder is quickly rising to my status of a hero. I can relate so well since I mock  many aspects of so called "black" culture but I still have a militant streak inside of me. We also like to play "minority" advocate (I ain't advocating the devil). 

21) I've realized the girls that I had the strongest feelings for in my life had beautiful brown skin even though I have dated different races and shades of black women; but ever since my first crush Rosetta Adams, I have had a thing for brown skinned beauties. 

22) I used to be terrified of the dark when I was a kid since I lived in a haunted house when I was first living overseas. Now I love it, I love just sitting in the dark and thinking listening to music. 

23) The doctor told me that I would be twins and according to the doctors I was in for 11 months. When I went for my first checkup, the doctor looked at my chart and saw my weight and age and thought I as going to be fat but when he saw me he was surprised and said I just was a solid kid. That's right. :o)

24) I believe in Sasquatch and I believe my parents have seen one at separate times. 

25) I hate the word karma. It's the eastern version of explaining reaping and sowing and it implies that eastern religions figured out some great mystery when God and his people knew it long before some dalai lama somewhere figured it out.